Meet Health Events Ltd Terms and Conditions

What's in these terms?

This document provides an overview of the terms and conditions when attending a Meet Health Events hosted event.

Who are Meet Health Events Ltd and how to contact us:

Meet Health Events (MhE) is a healthcare and life sciences centred events company with a focus on creating spaces for leaders, innovators and providers to drive real transformation to the world of healthcare. We curate events that bring together the greatest minds in healthcare from across the globe, creating opportunities for colleagues to innovate, knowledge share and transform approaches to improving the lives of each and every patient they work with.

Our approach is to ensure each attendee can leave our events with new contacts, relationships and innovations to take back to your hospitals and organisations. Meet Health Events ensure this, with the inclusion of; focused round-tables, key-note presentations from leaders across the NHS, one to one networking sessions, workshops, seated luncheons, and curated showcases.

You can reach us on for all event enquiries.


Meet Health Events host a number of different event formats, including but not limited to:

  • Awards Evenings

  • Conferences

  • Round Table Discussions

  • Summits

  • Workshops

The detail of these events will always be shared by a verified Meet Health Events email account. These events are nearly always free of charge to attend for all NHS colleagues, however if a small charge is necessary, you will be duly notified ahead of time.

Please Note:

The views and opinions of invited speakers at Meet Health Events are not those of MhE. MhE does not certify the accuracy of information provided by speakers and being invited to present at MhE events does not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation by MhE of the speaker’s business.

Photographs and videos may be taken at our events for use on social media and websites associated with Meet Health Events and our signed partners, for the purposes of event marketing and in press releases. Attendees will be given the opportunity of not participating in these photographs or videos – if you would not like to have your picture taken, please ensure you notify us on

You are not permitted to record MhE events and meetings without written consent from MhE.

As many of our events serve the purpose of sharing learnings and discussing common challenges, MhE will always capture notes and insights from the day to share the learning beyond the event, but commit to ensuring no confidential information is captured and shared.

By registering to attend an MhE hosted event, you thereby agree to having your contact information, including email, passed on to the sponsors/partners of the event for the purpose of following up on your interests.

Our Terms

1.1 What these terms cover. These are the terms and conditions for attending any Meet Health Events hosted event

1.2 Why you should read them. Please read these terms carefully; these terms tell you who we are, what the terms of attending any Meet Health Events hosted event are, how we will communicate with you as an attendee/delegate, how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms or require any changes, please contact us to discuss.


2.1 Who we are. We are Meet Health Events (MhE), a healthcare and life sciences centred events company with a focus on creating spaces for leaders, innovators and providers to drive real transformation to the world of healthcare.

  1. 2.2  How to contact us. For general enquiries, please email

  2. 2.3  How we may contact you. If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us.


3.1 By registering to attend an MhE hosted event, you thereby agree to having your contact information, including email, passed on to the sponsors of the event for the purpose of following up on your interests.

3.2 By registering to attend an MhE hosted event, you thereby agree to having your photo or video taken and potentially shared on MhE social media or affiliated websites for the purposes of event marketing. If you would not like your photo or video taken, we ask that you state this in writing to ahead of the event which you are attending.


4.1 Our events are as advertised on the website / over email. If any changes are made to the event prior to this taking place, you will be notified and will have the right to cancel your attendance; more detail on cancellation policies below.


5.1 If you wish to make any requests when attending an event, please contact us. We will let you know if the change is possible. If it is possible, we will let you know about any changes to the price (if applicable) or anything else which would be necessary as a result of your requested change and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change.


6.1 Minor changes to the events. We may change the event: | +44 (0) 20 3576 2083

(a) to reflect a change in venue; or

(b) the speaker or host of the event; or

(c) make minor changes to the content.

These minor changes will not make a significant impact to that advertised and we will notify this to you as soon as possible.

6.2 More significant changes to the event and these terms. If there are any significant changes to that which was advertised, we will notify you of the changes and, if you do not accept these changes, please see our cancellation provisions below.

6.3 Termination of your participation in the event. If the event organiser considers that your behaviour at a physical or virtual event is such that it is not in the best interests of the other attendees at an event, then your participation in the event may be terminated forthwith either by asking you to leave the physical event or by excluding you from participation in a virtual event. Examples of behaviour which may lead to your exclusion from an event are:

(a)  making racist or homophobic comments;

(b)  making exaggerated or erroneous claims regarding your business in order to promote it;

(c)  being aggressive or making demeaning comments about other participants at the event.

In the event that you are excluded from the event, you will not be entitled to any refund if applicable.


7.1 Event Costs. The costs for attendance at each event will be as advertised. Most events hosted by Meet Health Events are and continue to be free of charge for NHS and public sector organisations. If attending an MhE event does incur a small charge, you will be notified ahead of time.

7.2 Dietary Requirements: It is your responsibility to provide details of any specific dietary requirements for any event that provides refreshments. We will not be held liable for any omission made by you. If you do not provide these at least seven full working days before the event, we may not be able to accommodate any specific requests.

7.3 Cancellation Policy. If you are no longer able to attend an event, we do ask that you contact the event organisers as soon as possible. To do this please call or email using the details laid out earlier in these terms. If you cancel within six weeks of an event, you will be responsible for nominating a colleague of a similar job title and seniority from your organisation. If you are unable to nominate a colleague for attendance, there will be a charge applied to cover the cost of the space allocated to you at the event.

7.4 How we will refund you, if applicable. If you are entitled to a refund, and have notified the event organisers of your cancellation with at least 6 weeks notice, you will be entitled to a full refund. Any cancellations made after this, we cannot guarantee a full refund.

7.5 How to tell us about problems. If you have any questions or complaints before, during or after the event, please do not hesitate to contact us on the aforementioned email addresses and we will do our best to ensure we can rectify the issue.

Thank you very much again for your interest in Meet Health Events and we look forward to welcoming you at one of our events. | +44 (0) 20 3576 2083