Partner Testimonials

See what our partners and sponsors are saying about Meet Health Events


Craig Burke, CEO Patienteer
“The Health Systems Patient Flow Summit, in short, was a fantastic event. This was a very classy high quality event that drew a very senior audience. The format of the day made it easier to build relationships, as the entire day was structured around building connections, bridging gaps between the NHS and industry providers, and allowing the space for real conversation.

As a business, this event gave me total value as I was able to build relationships with a senior audience and showcase our brand, all within a day. Not only would I recommend this event to others, I would also invest in this event again.”

Jenny Panes, Director KPMG Healthcare
“A massive well done to the Meet Health Team. I know from experience how much blood, sweat, and tears goes into these events and I honestly thought it was such an incredibly positive event. From the venue and food to the lineup of speakers; it all worked really well. 

We loved the critical path the meet health team set up, we couldn't have asked for anything else, and we'd be delighted to work together again!”

Chris Adams, Chief Commercial Officer, Medinet Clinical Services and Remedy Healthcare Solutions
“The Meet Health team genuinely are fantastic. Their preparation with us made it easy and ensured we were able to maximise the value we could offer on the day. 

Our roundtable was particularly valuable, not just in terms of numbers, but more importantly, with people who were well engaged and had a close interest in the topic of discussion. The event was run in a manner which meant attendees contributed in an open and honest manner and benefited from the ideas and input of the diverse expertise present.

It's was refreshing to work with an events team who are so committed to going above and beyond, thank you!”

Dr Doctor. via Linkedin
Last week we attended the NHS Executive Strategy Summit hosted by our partner Proud2bOps - National Network Movement and Meet Health Events.

The atmosphere was electric and It was amazing to see so many leaders across the NHS come together and ideate solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing our healthcare system and the role technology can have in improving the experiences of both patients and practitioners.

Thank you for having us and we can't wait to see what happens next!

Mastek, via Linkedin
”The Health Systems Flow Summit was an incredible event, brimming with impactful connections, game changing ideas and invigorating discussions. We extend our appreciation to the NHS Executives for sharing their challenges and exploring technology-driven solutions to help transform the healthcare industry.”

Tara Scott-Sowter, Commercial Director and Annys Kirk, Marketing Manager, Induction Healthcare
"We had a great day at the Patient Care Flow Summit. Delegates were engaging, insightful and a true pleasure to connect with. The spectacular venue view and location only enhanced the experience. The networking portions of the day were successful, the quality of conversations throughout our roundtable discussion were informative, with lots of sharing of knowledge, experience, and challenges for us all to take away”